A bit more aboutthat which is Roxie

I put the "Roxie" in Viva Las Roxie—a reminder to embrace everything that makes me, me. Some call me Anginet; I answer to both.


Things I do:
Photograph like a boss. Sing my heart out. Act like a star. Obsess over Disneyland. Install and uninstall dating apps. Build Legos like a pro. Spread mental health awareness. Play with puppets (and use my many voices). Catch movies at the drive-in. Hunt Elvis (it’s a whole thing).


Things I am:
An international award-winning photographer. A singer. An actress. A keynote speaker. A human doing her best. An LGBTQIA+ ally.


Things I like:
The Muppets. Tattoos. Musicals. Everything retro. Live concerts. Rockabilly. Pin-up style. Tea (the drink and the gossip). Cute mugs. Dressing up. Star Wars.


Why I do it:
Whether I’m behind the camera, on stage, or spreading mental health awareness, my mission is to connect, inspire, and celebrate the beauty of being human.


A note about the puppets:
The Mental Felts. They’re my diva roomies in felt form, helping me tackle big conversations about mental health with humor and heart.


What you should do:
Hire me. Obviously.


Are you readyto shine?


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